14 februari 2023
As anyone who has ever dabbled in Search Engine Optimisation knows well - there is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, there are endless pieces to the SEO pie, each contributing to your site’s general performance and health. However, some of the quickest wins and lowest-hanging fruit can be found in metadata. Indeed, this is where some of the most common SEO mistakes and misunderstandings occur. Typically, the HoneyBadger SEO copywriting team will commence most new client activity by addressing metadata before progressing to on-page optimisation. It’s perhaps no surprise that we tend to see the same mistakes made irrespective of a client’s size, industry or audience. So, what are these metadata research and copywriting errors, and how can you avoid them? We share all here! What is metadata, and why is it needed? First, let’s be clear that in this instance, we’re talking about meta titles and meta descriptions appearing in Search Engine Result Pages. So, if, for example, you run a search for ‘red balloon’ the results of that search list a series of titles and quick-snippet summaries enticing you (or not!) to click through to their page.